Bordeline Offensive



Project Borderline Offensive created a platform for artistic research and art-based societal development for European and Middle Eastern artists to explore migration issues, sociological contact zones, intercultural conflict and dialogue, collective identity-building, and community cohesion in contemporary Europe through new artistic creations.

Humor (aesthetic approach) and participatory arts (methods) were employed to guide interaction, dialogue, and cooperation between the migrant and host communities, inviting its members to share knowledge, respect, and laugh together, at the same things and themselves.


The main goal was to use culture and art as resources for the critical development of social well-being and peaceful inter-community relations within and outside Europe.


  • Cooperation was established between cultural operators in Europe and Middle Eastern countries.
  • Integration processes have become more enjoyable, meaningful, and constructive for all.
  • Practical consolidation of a new artistic genre and methodology employs humor and participatory arts techniques to facilitate dialogue in cultural conflict situations (political, ideological, etc.); negotiate community-based attitudes and solutions for such cultural conflicts.



The project was co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

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