In 2020, we carried out research focused on cultural participation in Košice. The goal was to obtain sufficient data on event visitors and thus contribute to the improvement of cultural services and the quality of the offer of cultural facilities.
Researching cultural participation in Košice
The project pursued three research objectives:
Overview of the cultural participation of the population – Cultural Participation – An in-depth research of attendance, cultural consumption, and change that occurred after the project Košice 2013 – European Capital of Culture.
Overview of visitors to cultural events and institutions – Audience Research – Research aimed at the audience of cultural facilities and the quality and availability of production and offer of these facilities.
Link between cultural participation and quality of life in the city – Quality of Life – Identifying the link between cultural life and quality of life as one of the city’s important indicators of economic development.
Main activities organized within the project:
- Survey through focus groups of representative inhabitants of the city.
- Data collection related to culture and quality of life in the city of Košice.
Analytické výstupy všetkých častí projektu budú spracované vo forme webovej prezentácie s interaktívnym rozhraním prostredníctvom vizualizácie dát a budú komunikované verejnosti, kultúrnym manažérom a samospráve.
The analytical outputs of all parts of the project will be processed in an online presentation with an interactive interface and data visualizations. It will be communicated to the public, cultural managers, and local government.
The program was supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council and was co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.