As the main event of a week-long festival, Art & Tech Conference has invited 7 top speakers to present their insights on the topic of Change triggered by art, technology, and design.
As the main event of the Art & Tech Days festival week, the conference will take place on November 24 in Kasarne/Kulturpark, Alfa building, at 9:00 AM. Buy your ticker here.
The list of speakers promises more than inspirational debates – it offers change in the perspective

Can we project the human mind to robots to understand human conflicts? (Benayoun)
Maurice Benayoun (FR), VR/AR/AI artists that converted world’s emotions into luxury products, and human thoughts into objects and tradable tokens.

How can we transform current practices into sustainable ones? (Lang)
Lisa Lang (DE), an entrepreneur, technologist, and futurist that believes in the possibilities available when fashion fuses with technology. She was named Top 50 women in Tech by Forbes.

How technology changes art object to art subject? (Honzik)
Martin Honzik (AT), chief Ars Electronica curator and artist, practicing the humanizing of technology for more than 20 years.

How should we interact and engage in our lives and our communities? (Pašková)
Lucia Pašková (SK), a passionate ambassador of human rights, ecology and education, she has a good grasp of what the values mean and how they influence the market.

How does technology affect values, and influence the communities? (Maraj)
Vik Maraj (CA), a molecular biologist, trained in high stakes conflict, ontology, group behaviour, neuro-linguistic programming, and the use of language systems in shaping human thinking and behaviour. He has broken a deadlocked four-billion dollar international impasse on carbon capture and taught hostage negotiation to the Canadian police.

How can technology serve the evolution of the people and systems around them? (Trotto)
Ambra Trotto (SE), designer and researcher that curates transdisciplinary synergies based on beauty, diversity and meaning, to realise sustainable futures. She explores how to take ethics into account, when designing transformation with technology as a material.

How can it unlock our ever-expanding capacities and help us live a life of meaningful impact? (Littlefield)
Allan Littlefield (UK), a people developer, particularly skilled at enabling leaders to successfully transition into new roles and accelerating a team’s development to breakthrough to new levels of performance.
Understanding drivers of change and their interplay means to be able to anticipate attitudes, engage with current and future technologies, and build sustainable futures.
ATD2021 video:
Art & Tech Days festival is a flagship event of Creative Industry Kosice, a non-profit that supports cross-sectoral collaboration of art, culture and creative businesses to develop solutions for improving the wellbeing in the city. CIKE is a focal point of Kosice in UNESCO Creative Cities Network’s cluster of Media Arts.
The festival is organized by Creative Industry Košice, Košice 2.0 and K13 Košické kultúrne centrá.
Art & Tech Conference is held under the auspices of the president of Slovak republic Zuzana Čaputová and the Slovak section of UNESCO.
The Košice 2.0 project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions initiative. The festival was supported from public funds by the Slovak Art Council.
Main Partners of the festival are Foundation Tatra banka and Tatra banka.
Partners of the festival are City of Kosice, Slovak section of UNESCO, Kosice region, Austrian cultural forum, Visegrad fund, Promiseo, Antik Telecom, Visit Košice.
Media partners of the festival are Rádio FM, TV JOJ, telKE, Košice:DNES.