The CIKE Imagine Your City project will be supported by the EIT


Creative Industry Košice was successful in the call of EIT – European Institute of Innovation & Technology. As part of the EIT Community New European Bauhaus initiative, six projects involving citizens in solutions transforming our cities have received support.

The common winning project of CIKE, Technical University of Košice, and Východné pobrežie is called Imagine Your City. They will cooperate with EIT directly through Climate KIC.

Imagine Your City will connect “old” and “new” residents of Košice

Imagine Your City will involve the citizens of Košice and war refugees from Ukraine in the search for creative solutions for public space in connection with their temporary shelter.

Through moderated workshops and meetings, local citizens and war refugees – as new residents of the city – will be able to propose solutions to improve the shared space. During the one-day hackathon, their proposals will be developed by the participating companies. For the city of Košice, they will create concrete prototypes of usable solutions for neglected public spaces. In this way, the cooperation of citizens, the city, and entrepreneurs will become an opportunity to use the participatory process of urban transformation to build a more resilient and cohesive community for future crisis situations in the whole of Europe.

In line with the mission and vision of the New European Bauhaus in creating sustainable cities, the EIT supports the development of innovative and collaborative models of local initiatives that increase citizen engagement in solving local challenges in a sustainable and inclusive way.

You can read more about the initiative and other winning projects here:

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